Students for Workers' Rights

Supporting service workers through mutual aid and online advocacy

Co-founder and Social Media Director

September 2018 - September 2021


Students for Workers' Rights

Along with my close friends, I co-founded Students for Workers’ Rights (SWR) , a group that imagines and works towards a loving community where workers are treated with equity, understood alongside students and faculty as essential contributors at Stanford. Ultimately, we dream beyond Stanford's campus and towards a more just world. In doing so, SWR organizes workers to build their collective strength and provides opportunities for solidarity between students and workers.

Read more about our vision here.

What we did

Raised over $497k in mutual aid funds for laid off workers in the wake of COVID-19, organized a press conference with speakers such as , and gathered thousands of petition signatures from Stanford and across the United States.

How we did it

Fast-paced social media campaigns that centered workers' voices, provided accessible ways for the community to support, and visualized key data to highlight institutional shortcomings.

Centering workers' voices

Each post was guided by stories we heard from workers or goals that the local union shared with us.

Ways for the community to support

From resharing, donating, or signing petitions, each post provided an actionable way to get involved no matter an individual's capacity to support.

Visualizing key data

To strengthen our cause, we gathered data and calculated statistics to put numbers behind the stories workers had and make labor at Stanford more understandable.

What I learned

This group showed me the importance of community-based advocacy, creativity in the face of setbacks, and how to use my own privilege to empower others. 

Though SWR has been featured in outlets like Vice and Teen Vogue, my proudest accomplishment is the way we’ve included workers in the Stanford community. Especially in Silicon Valley, where labor is valued differently at various levels, it has been so meaningful to build and be a part of SWR.